Projects Finished By BSP-Nepal
BSP Nepal has successfully accomplished the following projects with positive results
Biogas Support Programme (BSP) Phase ( I, II, III, IV and Interim) with support from Government of Nepal/SNV-DGIS/German Development Bank (KfW)/ Worldbank.
Biogas Rehabilitation Projects with support from Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC), KfW, Department for International Development (DFID), atmosfair-Germany.
Gold Standard VER Biogas Projects (GSP) with support from WWF.
Strengthening the capacity of TUMBA college of Technology in the republic of RWANDA with support from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Powering Milk Chilling Units with Biogas in Pakistan with support from Winrock International.
Feasibility study for a National Domestic Biogas program in UGANDA Project with support from Winrock International and NEDWORC Foundation.
Construction and Capacity Building for Household Biogas in Kubin Ri, DPR of Korea with support from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Pyongyang, North Korea.
Effective Management of Alien Invasive Species (AIS) in Biogas generation with support from Conservation and Sustainable use of Wetlands in Nepal (CSUWN).
Community Owned Biogas for Livelihood Enhancement (COBLE) Phase ( I, II and III) with support from Renewable World, UK.
National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP) with support from AEPC.
Scaling up Renewable Energy Programme with support from AEPC/World Bank.
Rainwater Harvesting Capacity Centre (RHCC), Sustainable Wash Programme and Research support for Master Student on 3R and micro-credit in Nepal with support from RAIN Foundation, the Netherland.
Rainwater Harvesting Capacity Centre (RHCC) to adapt to climate Change with support from SiMAVI.
Promotion of Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) with financial support from PLAN- Nepal.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project with support from Dutch WASH Alliance (DWA).
Livelihoods and Forestry program (LFP) piloting community biogas in Terai area of Nepal with support from DFID, UK
Global Partnership Output Based Aid (GPOBA) with support from AEPC/World Bank.
Construction of Household, Institutional and Community type of rainwater harvesting tanks with support from Rain Foundation, The Netherland.
Demand Collection, Feasibility Study, Testing & Commissioning, Construction of institutional, community and commercial biogas plants with support from AEPC.